This page introduces you to the most popular roulette strategies, but remember that it is a game of luck and except in exceptional circumstances, no strategy can exceed the house percentage. Play with the numbers for your birthday, your anniversary, last week’s winning lottery numbers … in the long run there is no difference. Either you are lucky or you are not. For most players, roulette does not involve skill.
Betting Systems
Perhaps because roulette moves more slowly than other casino games, players seem more determined to use betting systems, especially in simple bets. In the long run, nothing helps. There is no betting system that changes the percentages of the game and some systems can be real financial disasters for the player. Here are a few that have been in use for decades.
The player doubles his bet after each loss. When a win comes in, it leaves the player with a profit equal to his original bet. That is, if the player bets $ 5 on black and loses, then he bets $ 10; if you lose, bet $ 20, etc. A win at the $ 20 level outweighs the $ 5 and $ 10 losses and leaves the player with a $ 5 profit. The player then returns to the original bet level.
In theory it sounds good, keep betting until you win once and you will have benefits. In practice, you reach very high numbers quickly and have the maximum betting malaysia trusted online casino limits against you. Starting with $ 5, the fourth bet is $ 40, then $ 80, $ 160, $ 320. If the table’s maximum limit is $ 500, you will exceed it on your next bet… After several losses you cannot bet the $ 640 necessary to eliminate the previous $ 635 losses and start a new sequence.
Sequences of seven or more losses occur once in every 121 sequences and you cannot know when you are going to have a sequence. And on that eighth bet, the house still has a 5.26 percent advantage, just like it does on every spin. The wheel has no memory, it does not know that seven consecutive red numbers have already come out and the sequence does not change the probabilities of the next spin. Other than that, having lost $ 635, do you really want to risk $ 640 more for a profit of $ 5?
Great Martingale:
This is even worse, an even faster way to lose money. Instead of simply doubling the bet, after a loss the player doubles the bet and adds another unit. So if the starting unit is $ 5, the next bet is $ 15 ($ 5 doubled plus a $ 5 unit), followed by $ 35, $ 75, $ 155, etc. The Great Martingale player faces a limit of $ 500 after only six losses, and by then will have lost $ 600.
Not as dangerous as Martingales, but not a good solution either. The player starts with a number or series of numbers and bets the total of each end. If you win, cross out (or cancel) the numbers you just played. If he loses, add the total played at the end of the series. When all the numbers are canceled, the result is a profit equal to the sum of the original numbers.
All very well, but in a perfectly normal sequence like: loss, win, two losses, win, three losses leaves the sequence at 3-3-6-9, with a $ 12 bet on the line and two wins needed to close the deal. sequence. The cancellation system player does not have the big money problems of the Martingale system players, but may end up placing bets considerably higher than the initial ones and ending up with losses.